Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore

Sleeping Bear National Lakeshore

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Handcuffing God

Some try to fit God into a box - the coffin.
Others try to keep Him in a book - the Bible.
And yet others try to limit Him to the perimeters of their minds - their I.Q.

The first say, "God is dead!" The second, "God doesn't do anything outside of the Bible!" And the third, "God will only do things I understand!"

I believe at the heart of all three views is an unholy fear. They all attempt to keep God under control. They all try to limit Him - handcuff Him in some way. How can you handcuff a Spirit?
How can a clay pot manipulate its Potter? But we try! We try because we fear Him. We fear Him, not in a Holy, reverential fear but in an unhealthy, afraid He'll take advantage of us, sort of fear. Within such fear is both a lie and truth. The lie is - God doesn't love us. The truth is both sobering and terrifying - God is God and we are not. He is in control, and we are not. He can do as He wishes and we cannot stop Him.

One of the most arrogant and powerful men that ever lived realized this after God turned him into a beast and then after a while restored him. After his restoration, he said of God,

"...his dominion is an everlasting dominion, and his kingdom endures from generation to generation; all the inhabitants of the earth are accounted as nothing, and he does according to his will among the host of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand or say to him, 'What have you done?'” Nebuchadnezzar (Daniel 4:35)

Yet in the end, like Nebuchadnezzar, all will praise Him. We will declare,

"Great and amazing are your deeds, O Lord God the Almighty!
Just and true are your ways, O King of the nations!
Who will not fear, O Lord,    and glorify your name?
For you alone are holy.
All nations will come    and worship you,for your righteous acts have been revealed.”
(Rev. 15:3-4)

When we try to control God, we are in essence saying that we know better. Such foolishness only begets more foolishness. Such foolishness denies the greatness of God and seeks to quench any expression of His glory we don't like or understand. This is one of the greatest dysfunctions of fallen mankind. We were created to express God's glory. But in our post-fall, poisoned minds, we doubt God's goodness and we hold onto the devil's evil insinuation that God is not out for our good and therefore can't really be trusted.

But thanks be to God who has set us free from the devil's lies! Thanks be to God for the sanctifying work of His holy word! In Christ, we are free to let God be God and do as He wishes. Because of Christ, and the freedom He brings, we can pray confidently, and without fear,"Thy Kingdom come! Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!" (Matt. 6:10)

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Cessationism, the other popular heresy

In the early 1990's a commercial came out declaring that Pork was the other white meat. Although catchy, it was an untrue phrase that mislead people into thinking that it was healthy to eat pork. Today in the church, there is a similar campaign occurring by the promotion of a doctrine called, "Cessationism."

No doubt there has been great debate, discussion, and argument regarding if the gifts of the Spirit are truly in operation today or if they ceased after the death of the original Apostles or the canonization of the scriptures. Cessationism promotes the idea of the latter. I will discuss why I believe that view is untrue.

No scriptural basis 

First off, I see no scriptural basis for such a view. Often Cessationists quote Paul in 1 Cor. 13:8-10 where he wrote that the gift of tongues, prophesy and knowledge would eventually cease or pass away. In verse 10 he says that these partial things - these gifts of the Spirit - would pass away when the perfect arrived. Many Cessationists argue that Paul was referring to the Bible when he wrote about the perfect arriving. They claim the Bible is perfect and therefore that is what Paul was referring to when he wrote 1 Cor. 13:10. However they fail to show that the Bible is what Paul meant when he said, "the perfect." 

Besides being unable to show Paul meant the bible as being that perfect thing, they don't acknowledge that there remains many imperfect things in this life today, things which the Bible addresses them through the operation of the gifts of the Spirit. People are still sick. People are still in darkness needing direction for specific issues the Bible doesn't speak to. People still have communication barriers to overcome when presenting the gospel and when knowing what to pray. But these problems are often dismissed with flippant and shallow commands to "...just study the Bible more." instead of allowing the Spirit to address them directly through the supernatural gifts.

Cessationists also talk as if the Bible is all we need now. The Holy Spirit seems to be the unwanted, uninvited guest, replaced by our holy book. Cessationists seem to exalt the scriptures, to the point of ignoring the work of the Holy Spirit and almost to the point of Bibliolatry, which is the worship of the scriptures themselves. The way they talk, you'd think the Bible has replaced the Holy Spirit in the Godhead.

Some things have not changed. Didn't the Pharisees and Scribes of Jesus' day do the same? They rejected Christ and His work in favor of their Torah and their traditions made of men. Today we have pastors that reject the Holy Spirit and His work in favor of their man made doctrines. Doubtless, some will protest that statement as an unfair comparison but if the Holy Spirit is truly moving today in the gifts, then they are not merely rejecting the gifts, they are rejecting the Holy Spirit.  

Apostles Promoted the Gifts 

The early church had the Apostles who wrote the New Testament with them. These men had been with Jesus - closer than anyone else. They had witnessed His life and ministry up close and personal. They knew the scriptures thoroughly and even had the privilege of sitting directly under the teaching of Christ. The Word made flesh expounded on the word of God. He revealed its meaning and taught with authority. What an education! Talk about knowing the Bible! They knew the Bible! They knew the Living Bible Himself! And yet they themselves encouraged that the gifts of the Spirit be pursued and used in the churches. The operation of the gifts was normal for them. It was part of everyday church life and policy. If they, the writers of the New Testament, viewed the gifts as that important in those days, how much more should we? If they needed the gifts, how much more do we? There is no one on earth who witnessed the life of Christ more directly, except the Holy Spirit, and if we quench His work with our silly doctrines born of tradition then we will suffer for it.

But many today see no need for the gifts. We in the West, live in a culture that, for all intents and purposes, worships education, knowledge, and reason. We have great faith in science and medical science. Knowledge is often championed as the means to a better life, almost as a Savior that can create heaven on earth and get people out of the hell they've come from. The problem is there is some truth to that. Getting an education and obtaining the knowledge needed for decent paying careers to better oneself and one's station in life is important. Knowledge can change your life dramatically. But the downside of such a pursuit is that many are deceived into thinking that understanding and book knowledge is the primary means by which things are judged to be true. It's also seen as the primary solution to all of our problems. Bible study while essential to the Christian life can't meet all of our needs. We need God to move supernaturally in our lives if we are to be equipped to do all that He wants us to do and have all that He wants us to have.

Book knowledge is also seen as the primary method by which we experience God. This is not true. We were saved to be united to a Person, not to a book! We are spiritual creatures with supernatural needs.  Cessationism in effect denies such needs or realities. Not only that, it waters down this glorious salvation and glorious gospel to mostly a mind focused faith. It emphasizes the importance of renewing our minds in Bible study while ignoring the other very important aspect of our faith. Is it any wonder that we do the opposite of what Paul told the Corinthian believers to do? He told them to "earnestly desire the higher gifts" in 1 Cor. 12:39. He also told them to "... earnestly desire to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues." But many churches today don't desire the gifts whatsoever and they forbid people to speak in tongues. wants us to experience Him fully in our bodies and souls not just with our minds. 

Beyond and Chaotic

There is also a common belief in Cessationism circles that if God moves we will know it's God because we fully understand what's happening and we will be comfortable when He is moving.

While popular, this is untrue. People often fail to notice that the Bible reveals a God who does things that are beyond our understanding. He does things that

make His people uncomfortable. God does things that are beyond our understanding. Didn't He say, "
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways  and my thoughts than your thoughts." (Isaiah 55:8-9) ?

God has been known to do things that are chaotic. He does things that often look bizarre and strange. He does things that make us uncomfortable. Sure, He's a God of order but He's also been known to creates chaotic situations. Have you ever been in a hurricane or a blizzard? Have you ever seen a volcano erupt? Didn't the Psalmist write the God of glory thunders? (Ps. 29:3) Didn't He speak to Job out of a whirlwind? (Job 38:1) 

When God came down on Mt. Sinai didn't the people tremble with fear and terror? What did they do when that happened? They told Moses, in so many words, "You talk to God. We don't want to talk to Him. He scares us!" What were they doing? They were quenching His Spirit. Why? Because they were afraid. They were no longer in control. They were no longer comfortable. This God of order, who ordered their steps and their religious practices, even their social laws right down to what to eat or what type of clothing to avoid wearing, was so overwhelming in His glory that they felt uncomfortable and thus rejected Him. They valued being in control more than experiencing a Glorious God who was much greater than what they had imagined Him to be. Times have not changed.

Wasn't Pentecost chaotic and strange? 12 men rushed out of the Upper room and were speaking in foreign languages to the crowds in Jerusalem. There were tongues of fire resting on them. It wasn't as orderly as a Baptist preacher would like to make it out. There was confusion in the event. Some truly believed that the Apostles were drunk. That fact alone dismisses the idea that if the Spirit of God moves everyone who witnesses it will automatically perceive it with accuracy and clarity thus understanding what is happening. Not so!  Peter said that the prophets of old who spoke the word of God didn't know everything about that which they had prophesied. (1 Peter 1:9-11) They were moved by the Spirit to say and do things they didn't fully understand. Why should we expect to fully grasp all that God does these days? His ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours. 

That is enough for now. I will continue on with this subject in future posts.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Sound of Release

A poem I was inspired to write after reading the story of Deborah and Jael in Judges 4 from  Robert Alter's book, "Ancient Israel." 

The Sound of Release

A prophet woman's oracle is delivered to the rhythm of drums – Boom! Boom! Boom!
The warriors are released! 
Can you hear the hammering of the horse's hooves on their way to war?
Boom! Boom! Boom!
God hammering away at Israel's bonds of captivity -
Boom! Boom! Boom!
The sound of war is in the air-
Boom! Boom! Boom!
The climax of victory is heard from the tent of Jael -
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Between her legs his sleeping head lies,
his weary heart beats hard for the very last time -
Boom! Boom! Boom!
With strong swings, she hammers his skull into the ground -
Boom! Boom! Boom!
From his palace his mother cries, 
“Why is his chariot so long in coming?”
Her anxious tears fall to the ground -
Boom! Boom! Boom!
Silence, the golden sound of freedom's peace reigns once again in Israel.

April 1, 2013